Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Illustrator Check-In

So it has been a few days of me watching Illustrator tutorials, and already, I have learned soooo much cool things about Illustrator I wasn't even aware of I could do, and I feel like I have only scratched the surface so far. I have learned about things such as LivePaint and LiveTrace, the important aspects within them, such as grouping and expanding and releasing and objects vs. paths and fills vs. strokes and how those effect the look of your vector work. I have also started to learn how to incorporate other programs such as Adobe Bridge and Photoshop to better enhance your Illustrator experience (Photoshop makes tweaking livetrace so much easier and precise). Right now I am almost done with learning about the 3-D effect in Illustrator. It has been a bit confusing understanding how to think about 3-D work within a 2-D based program but it has been making a little more sense with each following tutorial.

I cannot wait to see what else I can learn about Illustrator! I am completely fascinated just because I had such a narrow view of what I thought Illustrator could be used for and now I am realizing the application of it has many limitless possibilities!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Project 2

So, today was the day to really try and hammer out what we wanted to do for our project 2 and surprisingly enough, I may have just accomplished that. I plan to do a few things over the next few weeks, but my main objective will be learning how to screen print and come out with a finished project from that I can benefit from and be purposeful.

The main objectives:

1. For one hour every day for a week, before getting into screenprinting, I am going to spend time exploring/studying/learning tutorials to get really familiar with Illustrator. This is a program I am just not as a familiar as I would like to be and because it is a precursor to my screenprinting, I figured it would be vital to know more about it. I may start doing this on Sunday just because I have a very busy weekend ahead of me and I don't want to start out behind!

2.After that week, I will work on trying to make my screenprint. I haven't exactly been inspired yet on what I want that to look like yet, but I think I want to attempt to make something two-color. What will be nice is that Andy, Kelcey, Russell and I will be working on screenprinting too, so we will be able to help each other out.

3. After making a successful screenprint, I want to put that onto some fabric and use it to re-upholster a chair that I can use as a computer chair since I currently lack one. I want to find one I can redo from some place like Bring or Goodwill and just re-staple the new fabric over. However, if I find this to be a struggle, alternatively I want to create some sort of storage drawers/unit for under my desk potentially screenprinting on acrylic.

4. As a side project (because it is always something I have always wanted to learn) Kelcey is going to teach me how to knit/crochet. I am really excited about this upon Kelcey showing me that the first thing she wants to show me how to make is a knit headband! I think this will be a great skill to acquire and I look forward to her teaching me within the next week and a half!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Project 2 Ideas

Project 2 Ideas/Timelines

Making myself comfortable with Illustrator/Learning to Screenprint

-This would consist of spending a few weeks playing around/studying tutorials on Illustrator so that I can really grasp all the tools and opportunities Illustrator has to offer. I just figure this would be valuable information due to the fact that it is an important to program to be familiar and comfortable with in the Digital Arts program and it is one of my weakest programs. Then, I want to apply what I have learned to a completely unfamiliar skill, screenprinting. I have always wanted to learn how to do that and I think it would be a really cool skill to have. I would probably want to spend 2 weeks with Illustrator and 2 weeks with screenprinting. I am not sure what I would screenprint on yet, just because I haven’t researched yet what can be screenprinted, but if glass is possible, I think that would be cool, or on acrylic.

Spend 4 weeks getting into depth with Illustrator and use the vinyl cutter to print out some of my new vector drawings

This is where I would just dedicate the rest of my time familiarizing myself with the Illustrator program, to the point where I could give a demo or something. I would use the vinyl cutter to demonstrate what I have learned from the past 3 1/2 weeks. I could also make a tutorial or an overview of some of the important “Need to Know”s of Illustrator. I would just really enjoy creating some new in-depth, detailed vector images and having them for the vinyl cutter, since I only got to try it out once.

Learn to knit and make something that is actually wearable

-Kelsey said she would teach me how to knit, which is always something I have wanted to learn how to do. My great grandmother used to crochet blankets and now that she has passed away, no one in my family knows how to knit anymore. I just thought it would be cool to learn and carry on something that had been very prevalent when my great grandmother was alive; everyone in the family has one of her blankets. Even if I don’t decide to do this project, I still think it would be something I would like to learn as a side project on a weekend or if she does an in-class demo. I would even commit to buying the supplies to continue doing it on my own.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

ARTD410 write up/final thoughts turn in


Here is my final project write up, as well as a picture of the poster I used in conjunction with my presentation today, as well as bringing in the physical items to pass around. Also, I am including picture sets from each project so that you can see the process of me making them.


Monday, November 2, 2009

Final Project Reflections artd410

Soooo, its the day before our projects are due and I realized that I have been neglecting my blog a bit (midterms are catching up with me) so i figured what better time to write in it than to discuss the final results/wrap up of my project. Overall, my projects went very well, out of my 4 intended projects, only one of them was a failure and even with that failure, I have certainly analyzed how I could make it a success/different approaches.

Wall Corkboard Jewelry Hanger

What I enjoyed most about this project was that it was something I had wanted to try to make for a long time but I hadn't had anything pushing me to do it. Another thing I like about it (besides the fact that I really wanted/needed one) was that I got the main pieces, the corkboard, at Bring Recycling Center, not only giving me a chance to check it out but also to take something that had been discarded by someone else and repurpose it to something that suited my needs (not to mention it was more unique because they were circles AND it was cheap!)

Vinyl Circle Art

This project I think I was the most excited about. I am now officially obsessed with the vinyl cutter and the idea of it since I created this project and even though I made some simple circles, I really like the extra zazz it gives to my room above my bed and I still have this immense proudness of what I created. i just know too many friends who have gone out and bought their own vinyl stickers and were either settling for a design and/or found that they actually were terrible at sticking and I'm so glad that I can say that I made the exact design that I wanted for myself and they stick amazingly.

Lace Glass Candleholders

This project was one that I was also excited about trying, but ended up pretty much being a failure for me. My best guess is that the lace I picked out didn't have holes big enough for the spray paint to get through, or there wasn't enough separation between the holes to make a definite pattern. I tried stretching the lace but it didn't help so I need new lace or an even more fun idea is that someone suggested to me that I should make a lace pattern with the vinyl cutter (which WOULD give me another excuse to play with it some more) however I just ran out of time to create a new pattern, and I also wanted to give the lace I already bought another shot. (Gotta make the most out what this poor college student spends)

Iron-On Canvas Art

This was the last project I found that I wanted to try, but it has been a really cool project to stumble upon. Honestly the hardest part has been deciding what i wanted to make. I wanted it to be something actually meaningful and unique to me, so I printed out a few lines of one of my favorite poems by e.e cummings. The second hardest part was ironing on the words to the canvas (took forever!) For awhile I thought this project was also going to turn out to be a bust but actually everything worked out alright. Took some quick thinking on my part pre-ironing to realize that when working with text and iron-ons, the text needs to be backwards:)

All in all, I am happy with the projects I chose, and just the simple fact that I got to dabble with several different things. However, for my next project in the second half of class, I really would like to focus my efforts on just one project and see how that develops over time. I almost feel like it would be easier, however I also run the risk of running into a dead end if it doesn't work for whatever reason. Overall, the hardest part of this whole entire project has been determining how to present it to others that makes it interesting and relevant to others, as well as keeping a consistency with problem and solution. Hopefully others like it :)