Sunday, February 21, 2010

Project 1- In with the Old, Out with the New

This project was about taking an old advertisement for one of the latest Kodak cameras in 1917 and modernizing it with a twist. I wanted the ad to have the same specifications from the old one but written in a much more current way, with the look of how ads are today. I also wanted to do this in a humorous way, trying to say that old is better and you should get rid of the new. So the ad has elements of both present and past, which hopefully in a way works.

The biggest problems I faced was creating appropriate lighting, making sure the model looked correct from all angles, and creating surface details (which eventually some had to be forgone). All in all I think that I learned a lot from the experience in creating from scratch and maintaining my cool and even more importantly, working my way out of a corner (which seems to happen a lot).

Here are my renders that I used if you would like a closer look (took forever to get!):

And here is the old ad to kind of get the feel what I was working off of:

Monday, February 8, 2010

Finished Mantis Yay!

Whew, I am finally done with this thing! I don't even know if we are being graded on it but I wanted to be able to say I finished it for myself and I actually think it doesn't look terrible, especially after all the trials and tribulations I went through to get here. I would definitely say I learned a lot (patience included) not limited to changing the color specularity, highlighting and working with multiple edge loops and most importantly, being able to work my way out of a mistake (that can't be fixed by going to the history palette). Even though it took me an eternity and then some to finish this, I feel proud and triumphant. However there are some creative choices I made because I felt like the narrator was a little OCD with his and I wasn't going to lose my mind over the "fine tuning" (his choice key phrase). Hopefully you like it too! Now I can sleep :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mantis Update- yes, still going.

Unfortunately, I am STILL not done with my Mantis, and with projects being requiring my attention in all of my classes currently, this has made finishing this thing extremely difficult!! The GOOD news is is that Andy came to my rescue and gave me some brilliant insight into fixing some of the mistakes with my mantis so now my neck and front of face have been fixed to look like normal again YAY! I learned what happened was my points from my mirror mod had somehow crossed all over each other not only getting tangled, but also getting stuck together (damn that do clipping button!) I am glad that I figured that out and managed to fix it without have to deal with it looking funny or even worse, starting a part over, and I will definitely be more aware/avoid it from here on out. However, I DO have an a progress check image. And actually since I took this rendered image, I have also finished its back and the wings. Now I just need to go back and do the mouth/tendrils and color it so hopefully I will have this knocked out by the end of this school week! Whew!